
Agnes Harb

1945 - Troubled times
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
So we're walking through the streets in Munich, and there's this pastry shop. I've not forgotten this all my life. And back then there were those so-called Schaumrollen (cream rolls) and Schillerlocken they were called. You know cream rolls, right? They used to be filled with whipped cream. Nowadays they are filled with beaten egg white, you don’t get them with whipped cream anymore. The Schillerlocken pastries were the same but pointy. So we're walking past there - I loved to eat cream rolls. So I said: "Let's get one of those today, as a honeymoon treat. We’ll treat ourselves with these.’ Then I went up to the shop assistant and said: "I’d like two cream rolls." And I look at her, automatically, I wasn't thinking, and asked: "They are filled with whipped cream, right?" The shop assistant looked at me - she noticed that we were Tyroleans by our accent ? "You Tyroleans will learn to live without whipped cream alright!" Then I knew, what had started - with Hitler coming. "You Tyroleans will learn to live without whipped cream alright!" I’ll never forget that for the rest of my life. Those are moments you never forget. And that's what happened. I do know exactly how it happened. Those were very precarious times before the Anschluss! Really precarious times. There were already minor assaults in Innsbruck, especially against the Jews. There was incredible hatred against the Jews, incredible hatred against them.